Antville Help
Montag, 24. Februar 2003

Date bug

I reported about a month ago that I was having problems with the story.createtime macro generating the wrong date/time for a story. I put this down to the fact that I am using the Australian Timezone in my preferences i.e. -10hrs. Now, I am not so sure. I amended my skin to use the story.modifytime macro to generate a date and time a story is updated and continued to use the story.createtime macro to generate the date and time the story was originally posted. I created a new story and the story.modifytime macro generated the correct Australian time I "created" the story, while the story.createtime macro generated a nonsensical date /time as usual.
First of all, I would have expected no modify date/time to be generated when I created a story for the first time. Secondly, maybe this is reason I get a strange create date/time. Finally, this would also suggest that the date time problem isn't related to timezone, but if that is the case why isn't anybody else reporting this problem as its a key aspect to blogging :-(

Regards John

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