Antville Help

link in macro or macro in link?

Hello, couldn't solve the following: I try to read in via two macros a phrase (for instance, "Der Spiegel", without quotes) and the url "":

<% story.content part="Media" as="editor" size="24" %> <% story.content part="URL" as="editor" size="48" %>

Now, the output of the story should create a link from the phrase to the url (eg. Der Spiegel. I figured out 3 possibilities (and checked many alternatives), none works:

<a href="<% story.content part="URL" %>"> <% story.content part="Media" %> </a> or <% link to="<% story.content part="URL" %>" text="<% story.content part="Media" %>" %> or <% story.content part="Media" as="link" linkto="<% story.content part="URL" %>" %>

Did anybody come across that task?


Gibt es die Möglichkeit, einen Link so zu setzen, dass das Ziel auf derselben Seite ist?

Konkret geht es mir darum, in der Seitenleiste einen Link zu setzen, bei dessen Anklicken das Bild zum Footer (derselben Seite) springt.

Besten Dank schon im Voraus!

Broken +

Hi, I hope I haven't missed the appropriate discussion, but since the new Antville release, old style blog.antville links result in a 404. (The save version with %20 instead of the + works, but the problem is the old links that now point to a 404). Any idea what to do about that? There's no way to check back all the links and substitute + with %20 by hand.

Missing link

Since the update/upgrade of Antville my nickname is no longer a link to my weblog. It works in the stories so my profile should be ok but I liked that feature during the time I'm logged in to hop back to my log easily. Any idea to change it, please?

What is the purpose of "Link Me"?

I am new to Weblogs so please forgive me if this seems a foolish question. When I click on the "Link Me" link I am taken to a new page with the story I "linked", but nothing else happens. Is something else meant to happen? What is the purpose of "Link Me"? I have also read via antville help talk of "referral" links. I don't understand what this means either. Please Explain. I just want to know the use of these types of links as someday they may prove useful to me.

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