still unanswered
I have been testing antville locally on my PC for a couple of days so far. And this upload limit really freaks me out. I have read some articles in here which give hints but no suitable explanation how to raise the upload limit for files, fotos etc.
Would someone please be so kind and tell the secret?
I am planning to run antville on my intranet since we are 3 students who often share larger pdf files like studies and working papers which exceed the 1024k file size limit almost each time. So I really really need to know how to set things up.
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Regards, Colin
kinomu Verwaltung
it's easy: open the "" file of your antclick/antville installation (with a text editor) and change the value from "antville.uploadLimit = 1024" to the size (kb) you need.
edit 27.11.2003:
you have to add the line "antville.uploadLimit = x"
Thank you very much !!!
No wonder I couldn't figure it out since the didn't even contain this constant. Now everything works just fine and I can continue building our knowledge base.