More questions
Hi all, me again with more questions, thanks to those who replied to my earlier questions, I've still got some unanswered so I'll c+p some of those also, but here's some things I've stumbled across lately: Can I delete a story/entry. For example if I did a test or messed a story up and wanted to delete it.
By changing the Navigation bar for users I added some different menu topics, seemed easy enough. Except when you click on one get the error message sorry URL (the url) was not found on this server. Do I need to edit another skin/s, do I need to do something else or is it because my blog is being hosted on antville? To do what I want will I have to host it on my own server??
Is there an antville chat site??? Or are there other discussion boards out there??
Old qns..... Is it possible to rename some of the menu options, and add more and have them set up like separate blogs. For example to remove goodiepool, change name of imagepool to like pictures, and add more different menu options, like a, b, c, d which all lead to their own blog like page, and not having anything posted to the homepage but keeping it as is with only minor changes every now and then. Thanks all in advance. Now I have another quick question and a plea for advice. Firstly, how do you delete a post, looked around for the option but couldn't find it. I made a couple of test posts that I'd like to delete. Secondly, I have some major plans for what I would like to do with my antville blog and really need some help. I would like to configure it to how I need and also host it on my server with Helma. I am bound to come across many difficulties in the process and I would like to really put some time into it over the next month to have it set up for my use. My email address is My yahoo IM is fcrand27, same for AOL IM. If anyone has the time and patience available to tutor me thru the roadbumps along the way it would be very sincerely appreciated. I am not asking for someone to do what I need, only to tutor me to help me understand what I do not know how to do, give suggestions for websites or other useful knowledgebases. If there is anyone out there who is willing to help someone who genuinely wants to learn and make his page as good as can be I thank you and you may contact me thru any of the above. If there is none out there who have the time I also understand and thank you for reading my post, I shall continue to use this help board and any other with my questions and problems. Again thank you muchly for reading and for the very prompt and helpful answers to my initial questions.