Montag, 23. September 2002
wer weiss wass ich tun muss?
Erstellt von elvi um 21:42
habe bei calender (den ich vorher gelöscht hatte) einen falschen eintrag gemacht ...das ergebnis, meine seite geht nicht mehr- auch nicht wenn ich es damit versuche:
dann bekomme ich diesen text:
[HopMacro error in [HopMacro: skinmgr.skineditor]: helma.scripting.ScriptingException: Runtime error Conversion to object unsupported by null detected at line 13 of function 'fetchSkin' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/skinmgr/objectFunctions.js' called at line 7 of function 'skineditor_macro' in file: '/usr/local/helma/apps/antville/skinmgr/macros.js']
...kann aber damit nichts anfangen-
wer kann helfen bitte?
könnte brüllen....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
test 4 fun
wollte nur mal checken was ding so kann... gähn
Are there any site.searchbox attributes?
I have found out via help that one can use the site.searchbox macro to add a searchbox to the frontpage. Most of the story was in German and I unfortunately do not understand German.
I would like to amend the length of the searchbox and use a word other than "find!". I would also like to remove "enter your keywords". Are there attributes for the site.searchbox that will allow me to do this?
I have tried to amend the code generated by macro manually (replacing the macro) but the search words I used do not appear in my searchbox on the results page.