Antville Help
Samstag, 28. September 2002


let us spend our bucks to keep antville alive. Only, you people...tell us where to drop the money. I am tired of reading threats of crying people, which are not finding a home in our village. I don´t want to loose my home here. You see, we want to spend, so give us a way to get you the bucks. And how Meisterköchin said, Merchandising could be an idea...thinkin´bout it since a longer time.

java.netSocket exception

I keep getting this error in my hop.bat and not sure what it means . The whole line is 10 problem running servelet: Java.netSocketExceprtion Connection reset by peer :socket write error What does this mean and how can I stop it ? Thanks ..


I was soooooooo excited to create my own weblog when this disturbing message appeared on my screen: "Sorry, you are not allowed to create a new weblog."

Please, please, please, tell me this is just a prank message right? And I can finally start my weblog tomorrow, can't I?