Antville Help
Freitag, 6. Dezember 2002

How can i erase my Weblog?

Hi, i deal with the thought that i'd like to close my weblog finally or better make it dissapear completely. Is there a way to unregister or to erase the whole thing? Would be pretty nice if someone could give me advice in this :)

Something completely different.

Shouldn't we all think of a nice Xmas present for the Antville makers? My suggestion would be: a neck and shoulder massage by the best masseur in Vienna for these great guys. What we would need for that: someone in Vienna with (i) a bank account to send donations to (at least my donation); (ii) the time to buy some massage coupons or sth. like that.

Maybe someone got a better suggestion....

Yes I know: presents should be kept in secret, but we're open source, aren't we?

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