Sonntag, 16. März 2003
still errors with uploading story
[HopMacro error in this.text: java.lang.NumberFormatException: i]
bei timeout mit login. nach neuanmeldung story im nirvana. 3mal passiert heute. früher hat er sie nicht vergessen und nach erneutem einloggen ins system geladen...
okay ... i should be happy, but
Erstellt von sereshacer um 05:55
alright, i had killed my weblog while back. and i know i should be greatful that it even returned. silly me for putting a "<" in my code instead of a < (or whatever the code is).
but -
my skin was fine (it keeps breaking my image links to images on my own server). i won't touch it again. but my alog is on longer reading my preferences. font sizes, bg colors, time stamps. nothing. and i make changes on it then tab to the next field and it says at the bottom "error on page: object expected" or something. can i fix this at all?
/ m@