immer wieder hab ich grosse probleme mich einzuloggen bzw werde immer wieder rausgeworfen. liegt das am antville server oder vielleicht an meiner i-one-internet-verbindung. mich nervt das jedenfalls komplett!!!
immer wieder hab ich grosse probleme mich einzuloggen bzw werde immer wieder rausgeworfen. liegt das am antville server oder vielleicht an meiner i-one-internet-verbindung. mich nervt das jedenfalls komplett!!!
We had Antclick running for four weeks, and then the mcki db was corrupted. Tried all suggestions. And, no way to recover. Tried to install antville. We have been trying for one week without success. Tried installing new version of antclick-1.0.1, but we get this:
Code: So, it saus that doesn't exist. But here it is in the directory: Code: And, NONE of our attempts to install antclick-1.0.1 on any machine we are running works. We get the same error each time. This is very discouraging because we had plans to transform some instruction and other community activities based on Antclick features. Have we missed anything?is it still possible to start a new weblogg on if so: how? thanks for your help! julia