Problem running hop.bat
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
java -jar "c:\click\launcher.jar" -w 8080 -h "
-jar: illegal argument Usage: java [-options] class
Yes, I already did my homework. I read
It is the wrong java version
Java -version Java -version "JDK1.1.8"
But, I already try to install an update (JDK 1.4.2) and it did not work. After that the instalation finishes successfully, I did restart the server and java -version remains "JDK1.1.8"
And also, I read
It is a web server based on windows 2000 server and I am trying to run antclick concurrently. I'm probably doing something really wrong.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, for any help!