Antville Help
Sonntag, 21. März 2004

multiple blogs/databases

Is it possible to run Antville with more than one blog/database (mysql) on one server?

What I've done:

created a copy of apps/antville called apps/catch22

added to (in /usr/local/helma): catch22 catch22.mountpoint=/catch22

in apps/catch22/ catch22.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/catch22 catch22.user= catch22.password=

When I try to access localhost:8080 I get the following error:

Error in application 'catch22':

java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving Node: java.sql.SQLException: Datasource not defined or unable to load driver: antville.

I'm doing this on a RH9 server

btw: running one blog/database works fine rgds, Per


Wie kann das sein? Ich hab doch Kris' Javascript eingebaut....