story.topic does not appear of front page
I added the < % story.topic % > to the full story skin. I included it after the Link me(comments)/Place comment links. The "topic" does not appear on the "frontpage", but does appear when I go to the permanent link. Is this a bug? If it is not a bug what skin do I need to add < % story.topic %> to appear on the frontpage.
Thanks in advance
what you describe is exactly the desired behaviour, since you edited the full story skin, which
but not the preview skin, which But you could use the display skin, which what i quoted here are the explanations which are right in your skin editor. read them.update: i'm sorry, i forgot no one here knows me irl and some people couldn't know what a nice person i am and that the ETLA in the title of this message of course means "read the fine manual". i really hate it when someone tells me to do so and leaves me all alone with the problem, but i like it very much when someone quotes the source, pointing out the cause of the problem and a possible solution. maybe it would even be nicer with flowers and fluffy fuzzies with sugar on top, but of course i wouldn't expect that from someone who's consulting help.antville during her worktime.
Hi Nex,
Thanks for your response. I assure you I do try to read what little documentation there is about Antville and I need to ask for help on the rest as I have only been using weblogs for less than a month. I discovered the macro used in the skin from reading the macro documentation.
I assumed the "preview skin" referred to the "Recently Modified" stories which contain a couple of sentences of my stories - my understanding of a preview. In addition to the recently modified stories the frontpage also displays my story in its entirety - my understanding of a full story (with the comments macros). I do not believe these assumption to be entirely wrong, but I do appreciate you correcting these assumptions for me.
Personally, I do not need the flexibility to distinguish between a full story on the front page and full story on the "permanent links page" but I guess some people might want that flexibility. This means I need to add the same macro to both skins. Still I think "Frontpage Full Story" skin would be a better name than "preview skin" as I am pretty sure other people would assume recently modified is the preview skin. What do you think?