I was soooooooo excited to create my own weblog when this disturbing message appeared on my screen: "Sorry, you are not allowed to create a new weblog."
Please, please, please, tell me this is just a prank message right? And I can finally start my weblog tomorrow, can't I?
here you might find the answer you're looking for.
I am with you Maria!!! I had exactly the same unfortunate experience. I began to search for the reason, and I find another sad soul searching for a way to express yourself. If you figure it out, please tell me. I promise the same for you.
found the answer elsewhere on the site: Here's the answer given to another person who asked the same question. But I see that this was posted some time ago. Don't know when they will reactivate the creation of new blogs.
on Friday, 06.09.2002 at 2:00 PM, robert answered:
we intentionally disabled the creation of new weblogs 'til we're sure that everything works fine after the update.
reg. deleting of user: it's not possible in this version of antville.