java.netSocket exception
I keep getting this error in my hop.bat and not sure what it means . The whole line is 10 problem running servelet: Java.netSocketExceprtion Connection reset by peer :socket write error What does this mean and how can I stop it ? Thanks ..
Anyone know ????????
tobi Verwaltung
does this affect the operation of helma? (i remember getting this error, too, but it did not prevent helma from serving applications.)
however, if it's a bug it certainly should get fixed.
just to be sure: that means your servlet doesn't start up at all and prints this message instead? (as opposed to seeing an error message while helma/antville are already running.)
it will be running and then you will see this in the dos box maybe after four or five hours on line , then it will start giving errors on pages (can't remember what they are right now ?)
And all have to do a restart and it will run fine for awhile.