Saving Weblog
Hi everyone out there. I friend asked me if I see a chance to save the complete weblog of here. -No prob.- I told her, nut I was wrong. Up to now I tried adozen programs to rip her log to my HDD but none of them worked. Is there any way for her ot save all of her log easily to her HDD?
Any help would be appriciated.
Thansk Klaus
The clumsy approach (making a 1:1 clone):
wget does it. If you just want the public part, i.e. everything a visitor would see, this is trivial and can also be done with a dozen other programs. (What have you tried? E-mail clients or something?)
If you want to spider everything as an admin in order to get offline stories and stuff, you have to make wget send the appropriate cookie, which is not-so-trivial. I succeeded when I tried that out once, but I don't want to publish that solution because it's really clumy. For example, it downloads the edit and reply form and everything for every single story and is generally quite redundant and strains the server. But if you're interested and can't get it to work yourself, tell me and I'll have another look at it and try to come up with something better.
The clever approach (downloading just the content):
Use the RSS feed, there's surely software to take care of your problem that way. Unfortunately, I don't know jack shit about RSS; maybe someone else can help.
Sorry for long delay to answer.
I tried WebDownloader 2.2, WinHTTrack and a few others... allshowed the same result: They all could not get past the login-screen. Each request was redirected by Antville to a login-screen...
Even WinHTTrack, which can be set as a proxy to catch the login-send, could not get past the login.
Useless to say, that I have the right username an password...
Ok, I will try wget, but ... with no hope.
Thanks for answer.