Antville Help
Montag, 10. Februar 2003

How to install Antville on a Windows XP desktop or laptop using Antclick

My grandmother needs her own gorgeous Antville to create as many blogs as she wants. Following this instruction she managed to install Antville within 10 minutes:

  1. Download Java 2 Platform Standard Edition, the basis of Antville: Go to In row 'Windows (all languages, including English)' and column 'JRE' click DOWNLOAD. File size is 10 MB.

  2. Install the downloaded file j2re-1_4_1_01-windows-i586-i.exe. Ignore the message 'Kernel.exe - Application Error' by clicking 'OK'.

  3. Delete the new 'Java Web Start' icon from your desktop. You do not need it for Antville.

  4. Download the latest version of Antclick from , e.g. ( files are recommended for Windows, xxx.gz for Unix). Antclick file size is 5 MB and it includes all you need: Antville, Helma HOP, a web server and a database.

  5. Uncompress (unzip) Antclick to C:\antclick-1.0pre4. That's it, there is NO setup.exe to click.

Optional you can choose another location on your harddisk, but be aware that NO space is allowed in the path to Antville. E.g. ‘C:\Program Files\antclick’ will NOT work because of the space between Program and Files. ‘C:\Program_Files\antclick’ will work.

  1. Start Antville by clicking C:\antclick-1.0pre4\hop.bat. A MS-DOS window will appear:

Starting HTTP server on port 8080 Serving applications from C:\antclick-1.0pre4
Starting Helma 1.2.1 (2002/12/17) on Java 1.4.1_01

Do NOT close this MS-DOS window. Closing it stops Antville.

  1. Type in the web browser and Antville greets you with a setup screen. Now you can configure your new shiny Antville server.


The address only works on the machine where you installed Antville.

To start Antville automatically after booting, create a shortcut of hop.bat in 'All Programs / Startup folder'.

Switch to Linux if Windows XP is crashing too often.

This instruction is based on Windows XP, Sun Java J2SE 1.4.1 and antclick-1.0pre4. February 2003.

Please tell us your own Antclick experience by placing your comment. Subscribers are allowed to edit this instruction to improve it.

So long, and thanks for all the ants, id

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