recursive skin.
auf habe ich mir im 'mainskin' unabsichtlich einen rekursiven skin eingebrockt. quasi der selbstmord eines weblogs! ich kann zumindest nicht mehr darauf zugreifen. hilft mir wer?
[HopMacro error in logo: Recursive skin invocation suspected]
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If I'm right, this should work because it deletes (!) your main skin before trying to render any page. If I'm mistaken there, it's impossible over the web and you have to wait for one of the admins to fix it in the database.
Update: I just successfully deleted my own main skin because I had forgotten to change the 'ped' in the link to 'lasch'. It's fixed now :-)
so I guess I have to wait.
thank you.
tobi Verwaltung
Furthermore, I created a new "safe" skin manager page that works even if the site is otherwise unusable. you can get to it by appending /skins/safe to your weblog's URL, e.g.
all troubles solved!