still errors with uploading story
[HopMacro error in this.text: java.lang.NumberFormatException: i] bei timeout mit login. nach neuanmeldung story im nirvana. 3mal passiert heute. früher hat er sie nicht vergessen und nach erneutem einloggen ins system geladen...
save-story-on-logout code has been reworked, but I'm not at all familiar with it (I don't know where to look). Obviously there's a bug in there. Can somebody check?
sorry to say but i'm nearly clueless what lead to *this* error. could be that this happened because of a bug in the rescue mechanism which i already fixed in cvs. as far as i've tested it (just to be sure i also did some testing using the story edit skin of clignot) it now works flawless, but if you keep getting this error after antville here was updated please report again.
I suppose I have changing IP from my router.
So if I log in again after 'save', the commend text is contained but the title field is cleared. But no error message.
thanks, that clears the fog a little. i'll have a look.