Trouble setting up Antville
I'm trying to set up antville and I'm having a lot of problems with it. I'm working on a RedHat 7.0 box. I started by installing Helma according to the directions at I then added antville according to the directions in the readme file that comes with antville. I've got helma started and running and I see antville in the list of applications on helma's front page, but when I click on the link, I get a "Page Not Found" error. Reloading gets me "This server is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later." Reloading then shows "Error in application 'base': Object not found."
Looking in the logs for helma (in /usr/local/hop/log) I see this for all applications: [2002/04/18 10:24] Starting evaluators for base [2002/04/18 10:24] set up node cache (1000) [2002/04/18 10:24] Warning: Using internal file based db as fallback. [2002/04/18 10:24] Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
No other logs get written. What am I missing?
the log-output is fine (nothing wrong with that). but first, ensure that the baseURI in of antville is correct (normally it would say something like /antville). then, check if in the file "" there's a line saying "antville" (which means that the application is started). if all of this is fine, try starting helma with the embedded webserver. if this is working the only problem left is most likely that requests received by apache are not directed to the servlet-engine (check the jserv-config including it's log-files). if you still don't succeed, post again here (maybe including the relevant parts of your config).
Okay, it works if I use the embedded web server. Is there any reason not to leave it running with that in place?
[sorry for my late answer] the embedded webserver is fine for development and deployment of small websites, but if you need something like url-rewriting or the load on your site is growing, you should consider using to a "real" webserver (like apache).