Creating an RSS Feed?
OK, I am at a loss here.
I have an antclick blog site. I see the XML tag on the page, which, when I open, produces an XML file with tags for my blog.
Now how do I use this XML file? Can it be used to created an RSS feed? How?
I did a variety of Google searches on syndicating, but I wasn't able to find one suggestion that I could follow. OK, so, I am not geeky enough, but does anyone have a suggestion about how I might learn more about doign RSS with antclick?
Thanks to all.
tobi Verwaltung
maybe you want to try this javascript rss reader at first (blatant reference to self).
certainly, a directory of rss applications is available, too. and maybe you even dare to take a look at parss.
btw. the xml code you see after clicking the orange button actually is what they call an rss feed.
Here is what I don't get. I have an RSS feed (behind the XML button on my antclick). How do I prepare this feed to be used? For instance, how do I make this available to people who use newsreader software. How about people who want to include this as links on web page (kind of like the "Recently Modified" list on antclick.
I am way back behind you. I don't get the basics.
I looked at your link to yoru javascript rss reader, but I can't make heads or tails of how to use/download/understand it.
I copied the URL for my RSS feed, revealed when I click on the XML button, to add as a subscription to my newsreader. My news reader finds the feed, but I cannot open the news stories. There is not server infoon the URL's provided by the RSS feed. The URL for the feed is
What do I need to do to fix this.
My RSS feed has:
Passmore WF ED WebLog Sites
The "about" contains no server info. Why is this? The server is listed in my setup.
I entered server base in the "setup" screen. But, it is not appearing in the RSS feed.
The base URL is altered in the script.