Adding Permalinks?
Up to (now) I have been adding links within stories I post. My fav links are now grouped into a topic area where I can easily access them. But am wondering how one makes a list of permalinks that can locate in the righthand column of my blog? I would need to know the correct code. Recently dm42 helped me to locate a place to add a simple referrer script, so I have high hopes that someone here can help me on this. Thank you!
cobalt123, maybe you could use some visual html editor like dreamweaver, and look at the html of a weblog page and the html of your main template (right column click: skin editor/main template).
load the two pages into your editor and look at them side by side, toogle between html/design/and source mode and try to figure out, which macros produce which html-snippets. you will get a better feeling for what happens inside your page and how parts could be rearranged...