Set online in weblog not working
For several days I've had this problem. Today another contributor to my site complained about it.
When I post a story and set it online in weblog, I click save, but am thrown to the "/stories" page where my story shows it is not online. I have to then click to set it online.
What's the scoop here?
you have to check your "form for creating/editing a story".
i guess in the coding-line below you have got name = "save" instead of name = "publish"
just change this.
% input type="button" name="publish" value="speichern" %
was to add the time-stamp. I reset it, so maybe that will take care of it. Now, I have to remember how to add the time-stamp back in.
a reset will work. but you're changes are gone.
can't you find the line?
Yeah, I'm working on it. (I saved the changes I'd made.)
But since I inserted the time stamp, the format of the create story page was changed. I'd like to have that new format, plus the ability to change the date/time for future publishing.
How would that look?
BTW, thanks for the reply.
As I fiddled with all this, I found a this.createtime macro imbedded. I think that has to do with the timestamp that allows you to create a future date for the post. But I can't find anything on it in the macros.antville or in help.
If I want to reset the create-story page to get the new format there, and still have a timestamp, how do I insert it?
% story.createtime as="editor" %
and you will get date+time-stamp for future-posting.
(you'll have to use the < and > around the macro, of course!)
best to use this macro within its own table-row, table-cell, between the "Text" and "Options"-Code within the skin
I figured that must be the one as I looked at the old code. Is there a reason it's not in the macros or to be found anywhere else? The head honchos are not going to drop this macro, are they?
Again, thanks for the timely help.
I think, "tobi" - one member of the antville-team - has published the macro long time ago: