Problem running hop.bat
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
java -jar "c:\click\launcher.jar" -w 8080 -h "
-jar: illegal argument Usage: java [-options] class
Yes, I already did my homework. I read
It is the wrong java version
Java -version Java -version "JDK1.1.8"
But, I already try to install an update (JDK 1.4.2) and it did not work. After that the instalation finishes successfully, I did restart the server and java -version remains "JDK1.1.8"
And also, I read
It is a web server based on windows 2000 server and I am trying to run antclick concurrently. I'm probably doing something really wrong.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, for any help!
i'd guess the PATH environment variable on your server still points to jdk1.1.8. try using the absolute path to the jdk1.4.2 binary (eg. C:\progra~1\java\j2sdk1.4.2\bin\java) in your hop.bat. if this works you should/could adjust the system path variable in the system properties of your server.
The absolute path to the jdk1.4.2 binary works! Tudo bem!
For now, I would prefer lo keep myself away of the system properties of the server.
It is an academic server but, as soon as I finish learning and testing, I will do a report for your list of "Sites using Antville"
Next, I want to do a swift search help files and docs in order to switch to mysql/apache.
Thanks again..
José gonçalves