< story.content part> Question
Like some other antville members, I tried to use a "pretext" plus link to the full story, using < story.content part> in story preview and full story.
What I'd like to know, is there a possibility to suppress "link" (or "more.." or whatever), when there is no pretext, just a full story text?
Title of story This is a pretext in a separate field. Click on "link" to view the full story. link
Title of story I do not use a pretext, therefore it falls back to the full text field. This field is displayed right now, yadda yadda. link
So the "link" part stays regardless if I do need it or not. Is there an option like < story.content part="pretext" fallback="text" whenfallback_uselinktofullstory="no"> ?
Thanks Boolean