Save the whole blog to hard drive?
I've been wanting to downlad all the entries to my hard drive, wipe the blog and start a new one.. Is this possible? I've not been having too much luck copying it all to a word doc.
I've been wanting to downlad all the entries to my hard drive, wipe the blog and start a new one.. Is this possible? I've not been having too much luck copying it all to a word doc.
kinomu Verwaltung
There is no export function in Antville, but have a look at SiteSucker, a free program for Macintosh.
What do you mean by "copying it all to a word doc"? What did you do, what happened?
Sorry for the late reply, what I meant was copying and pasting all the stories and their comments in order to word, but it was taking too long!
You have answered my question though, thanks. I was looking for an export function.
Thanks again
or read this, if you have an ordinary pc.