Antville Help
Dienstag, 30. März 2004

Story Manager bugs


I first raised this bug nearly a year ago and it was acknowledged as a bug at the time. When you read a story (permalink), the breadcrumb trail is home>stories>story number. When you sign on as a "subscriber" and click on "stories" you are booted to the home page, instead of the story manager page. The story manager page should work the same way as the topics manager page; a subscriber does not get the option to add stories, but the add stories option appears for an administrator. Why hasn't this been fixed as I thought this would be a major bug?

Another problem in storymanager is that there is no preview skin, which is a problem for me because I use the story.content part="lead" fallback="text" limit="400" macro functionality. This means the "lead" part of my story never appears in the story manager which is quite annoying.

BTW, is it possible to have the "limit" attribute only apply when there is no "lead" text?

Thanks in Advance

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