deleting comments
As, for the second time, a certain antville user deliberatly destroyed parts of our weblog, I'm seriously looking for a solution to the following problem:
If someone who wrote a comment on a story, decides to delete this comment again later, all of the replies (added with [% this.replylink %]) will be gone as well. In our case, more than 80 replies from different people, including myself, got erased.
Is there really no way to prevent someone from deleting even the weblog owner's comments?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Your free weblog service is very much appreciated. :)
kinomu Verwaltung
What about asking the ant not to post comments to your blog any more, or making his/her comments invisible?
for anything surely isn't an option. :D
Besides, I'd like to have a general solution for this.
I've tried out your "last resort" and it works just fine. :)
However, this is not quite what I was looking for. I don't want to ban someone, I'd just like to prevent him from deleting other people's replies.
But thanks for your answer anyway! :)
i only guess, but if you delete the comment.deletelink in the comment/toplevel and comment/reply skin and then delete the cancel-button in the form for creating/editing a comment, this should be it.
after this nobody (not even the blogowner) should be able to delete a comment.
if you are interested in this i would give it a try in my blog and the n repost.
kinomu Verwaltung
that doesn't work, as everyone can enter by hand.
why? how is it still possible to delete a comment?
hm ... thanks. :-(