Will antville.org be updated to antville 1.1?
Well, done on releasing Antville 1.1.
There was a time when antville.org ran the latest version of antville the application. This was not the case with the "pre" antville 1.1. versions, or at least I didn't notice any changes. You probably had valid reasons for not installing it on antville.org, but now that you have delivered the final release, will it be installed on antville.org? If so, when?
I am looking forward to the new folder structure.
tobi Verwaltung
in fact, we are already preparing the update of antville.org to run version 1.1. of antville the software. apologies for not laying out a detailed schedule. but it will come for sure.
however, since version 1.1. does not provide folders so won't an updated antville.org. sorry.
Thanks for confirming antville.org will be updated to 1.1. Its nice to know its getting the release as I was beginning to think antville.org was going to wither on the web. Which release will folders arrive in?
tobi Verwaltung
but antville surely won't just because it's still pre 1.0.
regarding folders they are meant to be included in version 1.1 scheduled for autumn 2004 but please don't take my word for it.