start and stop antville/antclick properly
Hello, as mentioned earlier in the helpfiles or faq you start antclick (in my case the java-only version including webserver jetty and database mckoi) on a linux system with nohup ./ &
looking for the antville/java processes (eg. ps -x) on the system the shell skript invokes 21 java processes
how do you shut antville down properly? what process has to be 'kill'ed? The kill command is fine, but doesn't you risk to corrupt, for instance, the database?
A regular kill simpy asks the program to terminate itself, thus leaving it time to sync the db etc.
But I never got an official answer to that myself :)
otoh, from my experience using mckoi is not highly
supported in case of problems, and You'll be better off switching to mysql etc. yesterday...
You'll find a lot of settings in terms of db-caching etc. in db.conf
Thanks for your input. At the moment I am still setting up the system and it is quite convenient to me to just zip the full antville directory and getting it run with Linux or WinXP or even OSX. Also Mckoi might just work pretty got for a small antville server with just a few weblogs.