changing skins
given the case a user replaces the main skin with something like [...] meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; etc.
is there any chance to re-edit that skin ever again?
given the case a user replaces the main skin with something like [...] meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; etc.
is there any chance to re-edit that skin ever again?
tobi Verwaltung
just put the url of the skin editor in some memory (brain, paper, tape recorder) and you should be fine. the skin editors are displayed in an extra page body different from the custom main skin.
for the main skin of this help weblog it would be
I think that should be FAQ item #1, if we ever get a FAQ. I think this is also the reason why we have instead of the old venerable, which had its page template blank-paged by accident.
Btw, it would even simpler if we also used a fixed unchangable page skin for the /skins page.
I just had to be logged in elsewhere on antville before I could access the skin. thx.