multiple views with different story collections
I would like to have different collections of (hardwired) stories which I can browse by specific urls. I have no clue at the moment how to achieve this. Any idea ? Is there a simple solution ?
View 1: (or whatever ..) shows view one with stories 1,5,9 .. like I would configure site layout frontpage: <div class="pagelink"><% response.prevpage %></div> <% story id="1" %> <% story id="5" %> <% story id="9" %> <% response.nextpage %>View 2: stories 2,3,7,5 <div class="pagelink"><% response.prevpage %></div> <% story id="2" %> <% story id="3" %> <% story id="7" %> <%"5" %> <% response.nextpage %>
View 3: etc...
my solution
edit Story/securityFunctions.js: add to 'function allowTextMacros(s)' > s.allowMacro("story");.. then it is possible to include stories in a story. Cannot see a problem with enabling this at the moment .. [/edit]
well, you can only assign one topic to a story.
the topics of the stories should not be changed.
Maybe using *one* story as a container for the other stories .. but this isn't allowed.
Perhaps its possible to allow this just with denying to include the story itself to avoid an endless recursion .. Or something simliar .
One solution I can think of is to abuse "search". Include something like
<div class="keywords">view1</div>
in each story you want to appear in view1, set the "keywords" class to be invisible via CSS, customize the search results skin to include full stories, and then point your readers to haven't tried this, but I believe it would work.
hmm. that would partly do what I want. But I have not the possibility to define the order and/or the layout (with html etc.) ..
For me the best would be to be able to include stories in another story .. just don't know if this isn't possible at all or if I could change the code to enable this ..