Antville Help

aus weblog ausgesperrt

der gute teffili hat bei seinem neuen blog ein bisschen herumgebastelt und coding von meiner site reinkopiert. nun kommt er nicht mehr zu den settings um das wieder zu bereinigen.

lässt sich die site zurücksetzen? da war eh noch nichts drauf. danke!

How do I delete a Topic?


I know this question has been asked already. The question was answered in german and there was a link to another story but this link was dead - "not found on the server".

I do not know why this story was removed, but it made me think why is there no FAQ topic in HELP and why is the macro documentation a separate site as opposed to a topic in help. If the macro documentation was part of the help then when somebody did a search on a macro they would get the macro documentation as well as any help relating to the macro that may have been missed in the documentation.

Its just an observation not a criticism, but I think it would be good to at least have a link to the macro documentation from the help menu.

As a newbie (2 months) I would be prepared to write some FAQ stories, but does anybody else know some Antville FAQs. I am talking about user FAQs - I am no techie.

Kind Regards John

How do I get the search form to appear at the end of the results page?

I have added a search form at the top of my main page. My "search form skin" only contains

so that when I enter a search only my "main page" search form and the search results appear on the results page. (Its difficult to explain so it may be easier to just go to my site and enter a search to see what I mean). Now, I want to add a search form at the end of each results page (like google), but I can only get the search form to appear after each search result when I add the search form code to the "search result skin". Any suggestions?

Kind Regards


java.netSocket exception

I keep getting this error in my hop.bat and not sure what it means . The whole line is 10 problem running servelet: Java.netSocketExceprtion Connection reset by peer :socket write error What does this mean and how can I stop it ? Thanks ..


I was soooooooo excited to create my own weblog when this disturbing message appeared on my screen: "Sorry, you are not allowed to create a new weblog."

Please, please, please, tell me this is just a prank message right? And I can finally start my weblog tomorrow, can't I?

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