Antville Help

mehrere übertopics

hi all

ist es möglich für ein bestimmtes topic noch ein weiteres untertopic zu eröffnen... also ein topic in mehrere themen unterteilt und dazu eben wiederrum commentfunktion anbietet?

vielen dank im voraus


hi, ich habe folgendes problem:

und zwar wenn ich auf "topics" klicke, dann steht ganz oben der [Macro not allowed in sandbox: linkedpath] also zB :

Home > Topics > beispiel

wo kann ich das wegbekommen?

vielen dank im voraus

I know this does not belong here...

...but I'm quite hopeful that some kind soul will still help me: I need to know how to integrate an rss feed into a web page. I have been grazing the web for days now and all I can find is information on how to generate a feed... I know that by now; I want to know how to USE it.

Thanks & sorry for being offtopic!

Help - I've lost the "basic layout menu "

Help - I've lost the "basic layout menu "of the skins page of "elnegrozumbon" Can someone assist?. I am unable to get into the skin editor or anything.

Robert, please, can you restore the backup of "elnegrozumbon" at 6 March or previous... thanks thanks thanks.!!!!

topics and nicks

hello ppl!

antville rocks.. however i have a few problems..

how do i edit the list of topics? right now our blog has a bunch of BS topic names that I really want to edit, but i don't find any possible way of doing this...

and how can i change my nickname on the blog so my name is still connected to all the stories / comments etc that i have posted?

thanks a lot for your help..


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