Antville Help

default topic vorauswaehlen

brauche dringend (fuer woanders) dass bei story erstellung ein bestehendes topic vorausgewaehlt ist.

ich dachte damit wuerde es vielleicht gehen [Macro not allowed in sandbox: story.topicchooser]

jedoch wird dabei das topic bei der erstellung dann nicht selektiert.

was muss man also tun?

how to list storys of a single topic outside the frontpage of a single topic


is it possible to list the stories of a single topic outside the frontpage of a single topic?

i would like to have two columns on the frontpage: one with the list of all stories from "topic a" and one with all stories from "topic b".

<-% topic.storylist %> only works on the frontpage of a single topic, and <-% storylist %> does not seem to have a parameter to sort out topics.

thanks for helping, philipp

Topic Storylist


I want to show the first 10 or 15 recent stories (the titles only, for example "BMW Dream", "Ford Sucks", "Prius is costly") that I have filed under a topic (say "Car Noise", in the sidebar like this:

.... search

.... calendar


Car Noise:

BMW Dream Ford Sucks Prius is costly

Is there anyway to do this? I looked under topics skins, and found that [Macro not allowed in sandbox: response.storylist] is used to list the stories. I have tried to use this macro in the mainskin but there is not working as I can't set response to this topic "Car Noise".

I would appreciate any help. Thanks. -S


because this question is unanswered to that day - i want to ask again:

is there a way to get rss-feeds for antville-topics?

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