Antville Help

Recently Modified

When exactly is a "recently modified" written, i.e. when does a story get a new time & date stamp? It seems that sometimes when modifying an older piece, it gets a new stamp, but sometimes not. Bug or feature? :-)

Hilfe! Kalender kann nur in die Zukunft schauen

Der Kalender in meinem Blog kann nur in die Zukunft gehen: will sagen: Monate mit künftigen Einträgen können angeklickt werden. Monate mit zurückliegenden Einträgen erscheinen nicht im unteren Teil des Kalenders. Woran liegt das?

Can you localize time/date? If so, how?

Is there a way to localize the time/date displays to my own time zone? If so, how do I accomplish this?

As a suggestion for future versions, it would be nice to be able to set the local time zone on the Preferences page and have it cascade through to everything on the site. I suspect the current solution, if there is one, will probably involve editing multiple skin files.


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