Port 8080
I am running Antclick on my Mac under OS X. Can I change the default port frm 8080 to something else?
I am running Antclick on my Mac under OS X. Can I change the default port frm 8080 to something else?
I registered and downloaded Antville (1.0). I don't know what else to do. Half of the sites related to this are in a foreign language. I hope I don't sound too much like a beginner because there aren't any instructions of HELP manuals attached to the Antvile 1.0 that I downloaded. How do I start making my weblog on [antville.org]?
...das würd ich gerne machen: also ein bild, das durch ein anderes ersetzt wird, sobald man mit der maus drüberfährt. hatte das hier schon erfolglos mit einigen scriptzeilen aus einer funktionierenden vorlage versucht. nix zu machen hier bei antville. any ideas?
hi! my first try with antclick...
srv01:/usr/local/antclick # ./hop.sh Starting Helma in directory /usr/local/antclick Starting HTTP server on port 8080 -jar: illegal argument Usage: java [-options] class
anything wrong with java? 1.3.0 is installed as yast tells me!?
any ideas?