Antville Help


Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Benutzerdaten aus einem LDAP-Verzeichnis zu holen?

Eigene Datei in Antville Pfad Struktur

Ist es möglich, die Antville-Installation so zu modifizieren, dass unter /static/files auch im root Verzeichnis eigene Dateien abgelegt werden können? Für Flash-Filme ist es bespielsweise erforderlich, dass dort die crossdomain.xml liegt, damit Inhalte abgefragt werden können.

Blogger API and such: extract user comments?

This thread reminded me of a thing I'd once started and then forgot to follow up; I wanted to extract a list of all entries/comments posted by one particular user to all blogs on Here is the thread that started it.

With the help of Mr. ubique, I wrote a perl script that worked, with some limitations, but now doesn't work at all anymore. I remember there was another thread on (or was it over at, but I can't find it anymore. Tobi had taken part in this little exchange, that's all I remember now ...

The script used the "getUsersBlogs" method of Net::Blogger. Were there any changes in antville's handling of Blogger API methods that might have disabled it? Any chances this will work again? Any general documentation of antville's support of the API, or others like it? Any news about this project, for instance?


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