Antville Help

Woran liegt es,

dass Webloggen und Weblog lesen in den letzten Tagen bei Antville so eine mühsame und geduldstrapazierende Angelegenheit ist? Ich kriege fast nur noch die Meldungen:

Error in application 'antville':

Request timed out.


Error in application: Maximum Thread count reached.

Ist das ein Soft- oder Hardwareproblem? Da ich technisch recht unbegabt bin, kann ich wohl kaum helfen. Würde aber trotzdem gerne wissen, was hier momentan eigentlich los ist. Wäre auch bereit mal ein Moratorium zu machen und für eine Woche nichts zu posten, wenn das helfen würde.

How do I do this...

Frontpage and Frontpage for a single day share the same preview skin. However, I want to have a heading in the Frontpage for a single day to distinguish between the two. I would like something like "Stories of 17 November 2002" in the heading. Some date parameter must be passed to the date.storylist macro. I tried using the param macro for calendar but that didn't work, but I was only guessing. I am not a JS programmer so any help would be appreciated TIA


Something completely different.

Shouldn't we all think of a nice Xmas present for the Antville makers? My suggestion would be: a neck and shoulder massage by the best masseur in Vienna for these great guys. What we would need for that: someone in Vienna with (i) a bank account to send donations to (at least my donation); (ii) the time to buy some massage coupons or sth. like that.

Maybe someone got a better suggestion....

Yes I know: presents should be kept in secret, but we're open source, aren't we?

Some Questions.

As I think of jazzing up LSB, I have got some questions:

What exactly does the "related-topics"-macro do? It appears on my topic-skin, but it does not cause any visible effects on my topic-pages, as far as I can see.

Is there some state-of-the-art-log in the realm of antville, the only realm I?m proud to be a citizen of, that demonstrates the whole functionality making it possible for amateurs like me to gaze and possibly steal?

Search results missing "lead" part of story (bug?)

I create a "lead" for my stories as documented in When I do a search on the stories the "lead" part of story does not appear but the "text" part of the story does appear. I am using the macro that came with the search results skin ("this.text"). I even tried to modify the macro parameters as follows - this.text part="lead" fallback="text limit="200" suffix=" ..."

This did not work. I know this question should be asked in the macro site, but nobody seems to reply to answers there. Am I using the correct macro or is this a bug?

TIA John

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