Antville Help

<% story.onlinelink %>

Besitzt das Makro <% story.onlinelink %> ein Attribut, mit dem ich den entsprechenden Text ("set online" und "set offline") individuell anpassen kann?

(Im Skineditor findet sich dazu übrigens ein Link zu makro.ant, der nicht funktioniert: "not allowed to view this story")

"Post-to"-Macro for Firefox?

Antville provides a "post to antville"-macro for IE6. This feature, activated by the right mouse click, creates automatically links to the browsed site and adds marked content to the new story. It is very helpful to generate stories and links. I don't want to miss.

On the other hand I would like to use Firefox as permanent browser. Does any body know if there is a similar macro for Firefox available?

images with absolute url

is there a way to get macros to render with an absolute url ? atm the 'image'-macro creates a src attribute like '... src="/static/mks/images/mks_id.jpg" ...' for RSS feeds, where the base path is lost after download, this means that embedded images are not found.

List all story topics of a spefific topic


I did a lot of documentation in my antville installation ( )

Right now I'm searching for a macro to list only the story names for all entries in the topic 'rechner', but can't really find how to do it. It's only ~25 entries right now, but there will be more, and I want to do some data gathering from this.

Has someone a hint for me?


Welches Makro ist eigentlich für die Begrüßungs- und Verabschiedungstexte beim Ein- bzw. Ausloggen verantwortlich ("Welcome to xxx, username. Have fun!")? Ich find da nix in den Skins.

Die Meldung erscheint standardmäßig direkt unterhalb des Headers, ich möchte sie aber gerne woanders haben bzw. ganz unterdrücken. Geht das?

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