Ping to Blogstats
Erstellt von DonDahlmann um 13:50
I talk to Nico Lumma this morning, who is the Hoster for the Blogstatscounter. He told me, that he recieved the last update from my site at the 24.11.04. Since that date, he got no ping. Is that, because Antville is blocking the ping? If yes - why is Antville doing that? All other counters are working perfectly.
Stories for subscribers only
Erstellt von vectorizer um 11:27
I'm planning to use antville as a blogging system for my company. Is there a way I can set it up so that any stories posted to the site are only available for subscribers? Making a site public seems to be opening it up to anyone who visits the site, while keeping it private means only the author can read it. Isn't there a "public for subscribers only" option?
Also, is there a way to allow users only from a certain domain to register? In other words, can I set it up so that only people from my company can register?
Wann gibts mal wieder richtig weblog...ein weblog wie er früher einmal war?
Erstellt von deepblue um 18:38
Hallo wollte nur mal fragen ob in naher Zukunft seine weblog Dienste wieder anbietet oder ich auf ewig kein weblog bei antville bekommen kann.
Danke im vorraus für eure Antworten
ftp access..
Erstellt von br0aky um 10:14
we've been running our blog here for over 2 years now and we're thinking about setting up our own instance of antville on a new server. is there anyway we could export all our content and have the site set up elsewhere without too much hassle?
would it be possible to get ftp access for the images & files etc?
multiple views with different story collections
I would like to have different collections of (hardwired) stories which I can browse by specific urls. I have no clue at the moment how to achieve this. Any idea ? Is there a simple solution ?
View 1: (or whatever ..)
shows view one with stories 1,5,9 .. like I would configure site layout frontpage:
<div class="pagelink"><% response.prevpage %></div>
<% story id="1" %>
<% story id="5" %>
<% story id="9" %>
<% response.nextpage %>
View 2:
stories 2,3,7,5
<div class="pagelink"><% response.prevpage %></div>
<% story id="2" %>
<% story id="3" %>
<% story id="7" %>
<%"5" %>
<% response.nextpage %>
View 3:
my solution
edit Story/securityFunctions.js:
add to 'function allowTextMacros(s)'
> s.allowMacro("story");
.. then it is possible to include stories in a story.
Cannot see a problem with enabling this at the moment ..