Antville Help
Montag, 22. Juli 2002


ich möchte bitte WENIGSTENS diesen response title - (das ist doch meine überschrift?) ändern ... WIE GEHT DAS? ich komm einfach nicht drauf :-(


Is hosting free?...forever?

Hi Antvillers, I've been checking out and comparing several services and software options for building a weblog lately and have to say, you're doing a great job. Antville is in my point of view definitely the best service out there and it fits my needs perfectly. This is where my question comes in. As I don't have my own server to host a own version of the antville software I need to rely on your hosting. And I wonder what's going the happen, if antville grows on and the need for traffic and webspace rises? (This will definitely happen (reasons s.a.).) How are you going the handle the hosting in future? I've not found any "hosting policy" on the site yet.Are there going to be any fees or limitations? Any banner insertions? It would be a nightmare to put a lot of work into an elaborate site and than wake up to see you're not hosting any more or something like that. greetings cyanblue