Montag, 13. Januar 2003
Where has the "W" gone?
Erstellt von raspunicum um 21:48
In the headlines of my blog, the big "w" does not appear, but it has definitively been entered in the create-form.
Could this be a bug in my skins (but I didn't change anything)? Or is it a problem from Antville?
(OS: Win98, Browser Netscape 6.2 + IE 6.0)
Install question...
I am running Mandrake-Linux 9.0
I put all the files from the downloaded archive into one directory like the readme says but:
when I run ./ I get the error message:
: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Why o why ?
Erstellt von meisterkoechin um 10:44
Sometimes, when I go to my page, the menu I see on my right is not the menu how I changed it, but the original English menu (though in my colours). The rest (pictures, other changes) is how I changed it.
Has somebody experienced the same?
Pls, remove the login skin from the Skin page
Erstellt von JohnWalsh um 06:41
Last month, I reported that when I tried to edit the login skin I was kicked back to the frontpage. Recently, it was reported again but this time there was an answer saying the login skin is no longer editable for security reasons.
Fair enough, but could somebody please remove the skin from the skin page to prevent this confusion from happening further.
Timezone is not working
Erstellt von JohnWalsh um 06:31
When I set my timezone to Sydney, Australia on my Preferences the "long" and "short" date is correct but the time is wrong by several hours!!
When I create a story the "storydate" is always european date/time!!
My workaround is to use the "story.createtime as=editor" macro in the story form, but I can only set the date, not the time (set to european time) using this macro. I have followed the instructions according to the macro documentation. Is this a bug too?