Where has the "W" gone?
In the headlines of my blog, the big "w" does not appear, but it has definitively been entered in the create-form.
Could this be a bug in my skins (but I didn't change anything)? Or is it a problem from Antville?
(OS: Win98, Browser Netscape 6.2 + IE 6.0)
I have absolutely no idea what you mean. Is the 'W' just missing from your first headline (the one about Jeses, it looks okay over here), or is there a 'W' supposed to be in every headline, or is the first letter missing from every headline?
So far, the only thing I can tell is that there can't be a bug in your skins that makes a specific letter vanish (but it would be possible in CSS to make the _first_ letter of a headline disappear).
Wait a moment... I only have nice browsers installed, but one of my lusers has IE 6.0something ... *taptap* no, can't confirm the bug, sorry.
It was the big "W" in all headlines.
I did really not change anything.
And no: that was not a joke.
This is not my computer, so I have to use these browsers if I want or not. :-(
tobi Verwaltung
probably this is one of the machines from the white house? funny url, that is, toggling between found and 404, so here's it in google's cache.
Tobi, you are right, this is a world-wide conspiracy. When I clicked your link the first time, I got the story you meant and laughed for a bit. But now when I click it again, I get "sorry, we can't find that page ...". Mysterious indeed!