Antville Help
Freitag, 28. Februar 2003

antclick on an offline server

i just installed antclick on a win2k webserver. it runs properly - the installation was more than easy.

there is just one problem i am facing: when i start it i can register and do all the admin stuff, but when i restart the browser i am logged off and cannot log in again.

maybe it is because my webserver is offline (and will be offline until next friday, because i am not able to get my internet connection earlier). does my antville installation try to send me an e-mail and wants to do me some kind of confirmation like they do it on

can i somehow delete the necessarity of this confirmation process? i won't need it in future.

Cookie Trouble

I'm using Mozilla 1.3b and currently have to log myself in every hour or so. Beforehand, the login at least sustained while having the browser open. Any change happened in session management? One other thing: "Remember me" wrote the cookie indefinitely, some time ago. Now it seems it doesn't help, either in Mozilla nor in IE 6 with Antville-cookie allowed... I have to log myself in every time I open the browser. Is this wanted, security-wise?!