Antville Help
Montag, 22. September 2003


Hi! hab gleich 3 fragen. kann mir wer weiterhelfen??

1)wie kann man eigentlich user löschen?

2)Kann man bei antclick einem nicht registrierten Gast die Rechte eines contributors geben?

3)kann man bei dem macro root,sitelist bestimmte weblogs, die aber public sind disable´n?



working in menu

I would like to change the words home and topics into Startseite and Themen. And I also want to put another topic into the menü. Therefore I changed the navigation-bar for users, but nothing happened. How can I do? I would like also change recently modiefied into frsich geändert. Where is it possible?

Our second big corruption

For the second time since we started using Antclick, we have had a major McKoi DB corruption. All 17 of our weblogs are lost, and my students are perplexed. I have sent them off to a free weblog site to continue with their weblogs.

I wonder, is there any way we can save things? We lost everything the last time, and I expect we are in the same pickle now.

Our problem, I believe, was an update of Java to 1.4.1. We are (were) running our Antclick weblogs on a Mac OS 10.2.6 machine with 120 GB of HD, and 1 G of memory on a dual processor machine. Would Antville do us any better?

Oh, woe is us.