Mittwoch, 24. März 2004
Trouble setting up Antclick
I'm working on MacOsX.3 box.
I'm trying to set up antclick and I'm having some problems with it. The log output:
Welcome to Darwin!
[www:~] root# /Users/goncalves/Sites/click-1.1pre2/
/Users/goncalves/Sites/click-1.1pre2/ line 37: [: too many arguments
Starting Helma in directory /Users/goncalves/Sites/click-1.1pre2
Starting HTTP server on port 8080
Adding to classpath: /Users/goncalves/Sites/click-1.1pre2/lib/ext/mckoidb.jar
Starting Helma 1.3.2-pre2 (2003/12/01) on Java 1.4.1_01
Error: Error starting embedded web server: org.mortbay.util.MultiException[ Address already in use]
com.mckoi.database.TableDataConglomerate ( lvl: 40 )
Couldn't find table source - resource name: 062SYS_INFO_sUSRSequenceInfo table_id: 62
java.lang.Error: Table file for 062SYS_INFO_sUSRSequenceInfo was not found.
at com.mckoi.database. TableDataConglomerate.readVisibleTables(
Thanks in advance for the help.
Antclick Rocks!
I am seting up antclick on a w2k server for an academic environment. The instalation was easy. Antville works very well from home or anyplace outside the Campus.
When we try from ours computer labs, everybody can be able to navigate contents as anonymous users. We also can login successfully. But nobody can post any comments/stories or do any other tasks. It keeps bouncing to the login/password page again and again. In the middle of a sesion, if you try to do some non-anonymous task, you get kicked back to the login page.
I already try cookies, proxy server, router configs, time outs, but not luck.
Our university connection to the internet is very slow and crowed. I think, it has something to do with the slow access and the long waiting times.
Is the waiting time configurable?
Anbody/any ideas please!
Thanks in advance.
story.justintopic checked by default? (Publish in topics only)
Erstellt von smileinthesky um 08:32
I would like to know if it is possible to get the checkbox "Publish in topics only" checked by default. I know that in new antville releases the layout has changed ("Show this story on the front page"), but I am still using an older version... thanks!