Search function doesn't find ;-)
In my Antclick installation, searching my blog for terms like "Kneipe" or "Wohnzimmer" do not turn up any results, although the words are there ( Do I have to configure something which I did not? Or is it a bug?
what's your current antville version? there's been a problem with search in antclick-1.1pre1 and obviously with older stories in updated versions, too.
If you use the SQL database mckoi behind antville, than I guess it's still a bug in the search function: It doesn't recognize capital letters. Hence, you will find any word in small letters, but none with a capital letter in your stories.
A unsatifying solution: you'll find "Wohnzimmer" by searching for "ohnzimmer", just skip the leading capitals. That's of course stupid to do, but it works.
Further, by skipping capitals you won't never find words or abbreviation like USA, AIDS, or APPLIED DEMONOLOGY.