Search Box Erstellt von kippers7 um 02:13 in searching How can I get a search box on my site. I tried adding Search this site but it didn't work. (Check my site at Australian dreaming) Can anyone help? Thanks 1 kippers7 10.02.06, 02:45 Haey guys - worked this out on my own! I can see what I did wrong. I entered the name of the site ie Australian dreaming rather than Swhite.antville org. Search engine is now working great. Sie sind nicht angemeldet Anmelden Start Stichworte Kommentare RSS F.A.Q. Impressum Nutzungsvereinbarung Datenschutzerklärung März 2025So.Mo.Di.Mi.Do.Fr.Sa.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Juni
kippers7 10.02.06, 02:45 Haey guys - worked this out on my own! I can see what I did wrong. I entered the name of the site ie Australian dreaming rather than Swhite.antville org. Search engine is now working great.
Haey guys - worked this out on my own! I can see what I did wrong. I entered the name of the site ie Australian dreaming rather than Swhite.antville org. Search engine is now working great.