Questions about "Allow Comments"/Subscribers/Contributors/Administrator
Could somebody please confirm/correct the following assumptions? To allow somebody to add a comment about one of my stories the following conditions; (1.1) My preferences must have the "Allow Comments" checkbox completed. (1.2) The "Allow Comments" checkbox must be completed for the story. (1.3) the person adding the comments musted be registered with Antville. (Q1) Is this correct? (Q2) Why are there 2 "Allow Comments" settings?
A "subscriber" is only allowed to edit one of my stories when the following conditons are met; (2.1) I have added a member as a "subscriber" of my weblog. (2.2) At the time I create a story the "also editable for" field has "Subscriber and Contributors" option selected. (Q3) Is it correct to assume a "subscriber" is NOT allowed to add/edit/delete their own stories to my weblog?
A "contributor" is only allowed to edit one of my stories when the following conditons are met; (3.1) I have added a member as a "contributor" of my weblog. (3.2) At the time I create a story the "also editable for" field has either "Subscriber and Contributors" or "Contributors Only" selected. (Q4) Is it correct to assume a "Contributor" IS allowed to add/edit/delete their OWN stories to my weblog? (Q5) Is it also correct to assume as administrator of my weblog I am allowed to edit/delete a Contributors stories?
The "administrator" of the weblog has sole control over preferences and skins of the weblog.
Now having said all that I would like to allow non-antville members sign onto my weblog as a guest. Could someone tell me this workaround or is it a function of Antville now?
BTW, this story should be editable to make it easier to answer the questions!!