How do I put the storytitle in the webpage title ? Erstellt von MrLunk um 01:12 in beginner... Hi all, I hope someone has allready tried this... MrLunk's HideOut I'd really like to put the Storytitle in the Pagetitle of my articlepages. Grtz, 1 ichichich 08.03.07, 16:01 How about <title> [Macro not allowed in sandbox: response.title] </title> ? Sie sind nicht angemeldet Anmelden Start Stichworte Kommentare RSS F.A.Q. Impressum Nutzungsvereinbarung Datenschutzerklärung März 2025So.Mo.Di.Mi.Do.Fr.Sa.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Juni
ichichich 08.03.07, 16:01 How about <title> [Macro not allowed in sandbox: response.title] </title> ?
How about
<title> [Macro not allowed in sandbox: response.title] </title>